There are 40 teachers at Buhinga School and they receive an average wage of 130,000 Ugandan Shillings (approximately $50) per month.. As a result almost all of them (and their families) are dependent on the teachers accommodation provided on the school site. These are undoubtedly the worst buildings at Buhinga, with severe structural issues affecting the vast majority of them, again in a region prone to earthquakes. Drainage is inadequate and the buildings are literally crumbling. Eventually they will need to be completely rebuilt in order to make these a safe environment for the teachers and their families to live in.
Although they don’t let it show, it must be disheartening to live in such conditions. Buhinga asks a lot of its teachers and we saw teachers committed to meeting those high aspirations. It is only fair that in return they are afforded the most basic standards of living conditions.
- A crack runs the height of the building
- The condemned buildings the teacher’s live in